Philosophy of Wellbeing

Let us care for the needs of every man and woman, young and old, with the same fraternal spirit of care and closeness that marked the Good Samaritan (Pope Francis – Fratelli Tutti 79)

As a Benedictine community of faith, Good Samaritan Education recognises the inherent dignity of all people, created in the image and the likeness of God. Each person is worthy of profound respect and care. Each is loved by God into a life of flourishing. We understand life as a journey of hope in which we strive to become more fully human – loving and serving others in imitation of Christ.

Inspired by the Sisters of the Good Samaritan we commit to serving our communities with open hearts, recognising Christ in all. The parable of the Good Samaritan impels us to reach out and actively care for the wellbeing of others. Our Benedictine tradition demands that we create communities that challenge and nurture, so arranged that the strong have something to yearn for and the weak have nothing to run from (RB 64:19).

As educational communities we are called to nurture the desire for truth, goodness and beauty that lies in the heart of each individual, so that all may learn how to love life and be open to the fullness of life 1. Our sacramental worldview tells us that moments of grace are to be found in everyday events and interactions. We expect that our schools should offer possibilities for experiencing openness and love, affirmation and growth 2.

We acknowledge the reality of human frailty and recognise that life is a complex journey. Wellbeing is not simply the avoidance of difficulties. It involves the development of knowledge and skills to enable personal responsibility, coping strategies, resilience and the cultivation and nurturing of supportive communities 3.

The nourishment of wellbeing is essential to the development of our GSE communities and to our educational mission of developing students who will engage with today’s world as grounded, hope-filled young people who are equipped to lead wisely, to listen deeply and to treat their neighbour and their environment with justice, love and the compassion of Christ 4. God loves young people, but does not hide them from every risk, challenge, or suffering. God is not overprotective.

Our schools are called to grow as communities of compassion, humility, and mutual support where each person’s journey towards wholeness is honoured and supported. Integral to our vision of human flourishing is the recognition of out interconnectedness with others and the natural environment, encouraging a deep sense of belonging and purpose.

We celebrate the transformative power of love, and strive to journey towards greater humanity, following the example of Christ. “We are God’s work of art created in Christ Jesus to live the good life.” (Eph. 2:10)

1. Pope Francis, Udienza alla Delegazione del “Global Researchers Advancing Catholic Education Project”, 20 April 2022.

2. Christus Vivit 216

3. Pope Francis on Parents Day, 1 June 2024.

4. GSE Philosophy of Education