Who are we?
Good Samaritan Education (GSE) is a community within the Catholic Church that continues the mission of Jesus through the ministry of Catholic education and embraces each of the school communities of GSE. Governance within GSE is exercised according to the principles of partnership, subsidiarity and stewardship.
What is our structure?
GSE has a church structure as a ministerial public juridic person (Ministerial PJP). The members of the PJP constitute the Assembly of GSE. The PJP was instituted by the Archbishop of Sydney in 2011 in common accord with the Archbishops of Brisbane and Melbourne and the Bishops of Broken Bay and Wollongong to work collaboratively with them in the mission of Catholic Education in their Diocese.
The Assembly of GSE elects a Governing Council whose members are accountable to the Assembly for the fulfilment of GSE’s Mission.
Each school is governed by a not-for-profit public Company Limited by Guarantee under the Corporations Act under a standardised Constitution common to all GSE schools.
The Governing Council stewards and promotes the educational mission of each school by appointing Company Members for each. The Company Members, similarly to shareholders, appoint the Board of Directors The Board of Directors and Company Members in their respective roles exercise the ministry of governance within each school community. The Company is accountable to GSE for its stewardship of the school.
The Board, with the approval of the Company Members and the Governing Council, appoints the Principal/CEO whose responsibility is the leadership and management of the school. The Principal is accountable to the Board.
GSE is registered with and provides annual reports to the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).
What brings us together?
All those in governance roles in GSE are united through sharing common goals within a spirit of mutual stewardship: exercising responsibility, being trusted and supported, making choices, and embracing accountability.